1. Overview of How It Works

The Transactions Interpreter Service is designed to process blockchain transactions by extracting and analyzing relevant information to generate a summary of the transaction. The process follows several distinct phases:

  1. Transaction Hash Reception : The service receives a transaction hash, which triggers the processing pipeline.
  2. Data Retrieval : The service automatically retrieves necessary transaction data from the blockchain using the provided transaction hash.
  3. Initial Validation : The input data undergoes validation to ensure authenticity and correctness before further processing.
  4. Data Processing : The retrieved transaction data is processed, involving multiple phases:
  1. Transaction Summary Generation : After the classification, the service generates a summary of the transaction, which is returned as the response. The summary includes key details about the transaction and is structured according to a specific template.

2. Structure of the Response

The response from the Transactions Interpreter Service is structured as follows(depends on specific case):

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "summaries": [
                "summary_template": "{action_type} {amount} {token} to {to_address}",
                "summary_template_variables": {
                    "action_type": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "Transfer"
                    "amount": {
                        "type": "currency",
                        "value": "7800"
                    "token": {
                        "type": "token",
                        "value": {
                            "address": "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48",
                            "circulating_market_cap": "34593435047.40006",
                            "decimals": "6",
                            "exchange_rate": "1.001",
                            "holders": "2761518",
                            "icon_url": "<https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/6319/small/usdc.png?1696506694>",
                            "name": "USD Coin",
                            "symbol": "USDC",
                            "total_supply": "25611927821576420",
                            "type": "ERC-20",
                            "volume_24h": "8858197053.476923"
                    "to_address": {
                        "type": "address",
                        "value": {
                            "hash": "0x242ba6d68FfEb4a098B591B32d370F973FF882B7"
        "debug_data": {
            "transaction_hash": "0xea7cbead745789346343435cf2a0910887ab0ebef08af07cbd2f0920a2c628da",
            "model_classification_type": "transfer",
            "post_llm_classification_type": "transfer",
            "is_prompt_truncated": false,
            "summary_template": {
                "transfer": {
                    "template_name": "Generic-Transfer",
                    "template_vars": {
                        "strippedInput": "<stripped data>",
                        "decodedInput": "<decoded data>",
                        "tokenTransfers": [<token transfer details>],
                        "isErc20Transfer": true,
                        "erc20Amount": "7800",
                        "isNftTransfer": false,
                        "token": {
                            "address": "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48",
                            "circulating_market_cap": "34593435047.40006",
                            "decimals": "6",
                            "exchange_rate": "1.001",
                            "holders": "2761518",
                            "icon_url": "<https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/6319/small/usdc.png?1696506694>",
                            "name": "USD Coin",
                            "symbol": "USDC",
                            "total_supply": "25611927821576420",
                            "type": "ERC-20",
                            "volume_24h": "8858197053.476923"
                        "nftAmount": null,
                        "toAddress": {
                            "hash": "0x242ba6d68FfEb4a098B591B32d370F973FF882B7"

Response Variable Types:

The response from the service can contain the following types of data: